10/24/19-10/27/19 Piedmont district Italy

We had been so lucky with the weather after our return to the continent three months ago, but we left beautiful Bertinoro for a four hour drive to Piedmont on the toll highways as planned. The skies opened and did it pour! Over 1/2 inch on our drive! Luckily we arrived safe in our new home of Calosso, located in the vineyards Piedmont district of northern Italy.

We are just below Turin Italy. Ok, easy checking in to our Airbnb, it’s a villa being remodeled, we are the only guests!

The village of Calosso is quite small, as are all the villages on the largest hills in Piedmont.

The region is so beautiful, with hillside villages and thousands of acres of grapes and Hazelnuts!

Festivals and farmers markets on the weekend! Harvest and Truffle fair. These are paprika peppers, they are delicious!

Huge wine producing area. Unlike Tuscany, they produce straight vintages here, Dolcetto, Barbera, Frizzante ( sparkling white) and Asti Spumante are the biggest. Hundreds and hundreds of wineries large and small. We did our best to help the local economy!

Unbelievably beautiful area. If you love wine, and beautiful views, this is the place for you to visit. One more day today, up to Asti Spumante today for some sightseeing and tasting 😎✔️

Next up Lake Como area of Italy 👍

Arrivederci and Ciao! Ciao!

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